How do you do it? One formula.

A large egg has 6 grams of protein. Egg protein is 15% nitrogen.  Therefore each egg has about 1 gram of nitrogen.

Our soil test came back with the recommendation of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet.  I think that's too low.  I've seen fertilizer recommendations come in double or triple that.  But this gives a range to work in.

There are about 450 grams per pound.  So this gives you a rough idea of how many eggs we are talking about (lots!)  One garden bed that is 20 feet long and 5 feet wide needs a minimum of 45 eggs.  One hundred would be better.  That's eight dozen eggs per 100 square feet, or about 1 egg per square foot.  Convenient, no? 

How I do it.  First, if I am going to turn the soil or add compost, I do that ahead of time during a dry stretch.  When I am ready to fertilize, I wait until the soil has had a chance to dry out a bit (not on a rainy day like today!) I make small, shallow furrows in the soil about 1" deep and 6" apart.  I locate a blender and set up eggs and blender operation in the garden. 
side dressing garlic.  First I make shallow furrows.

I put about 6 eggs in the blender and cover them with water.  I blend them up thoroughly and add more water until I have a pourable liquid.   Right after I turn the blender off, I move quickly to the garden bed and pour the blender contents along the furrow while the solids are still well suspended. The six egg mixture should be spread about 10-12 feet down a furrow, so be sparing. 
6 eggs in the blender

After the egg mixture is all spread, I would wait for a few minutes so the water can drain out of the soil surface.  then I would take a hoe and work egg mix into the furrows gently and then smooth the soil surface out.  If the soil is dry, I water lightly then. 
applying the egg mixture in the furrow

I think that the soil microbes will start to work on the nutrients right away.  I would wait a few days before planting.  That way, the microbes will do their thing and thecarbon:nitrogen ratio will have a chance to settle down a bit.


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